The generosity of our sponsors and donors make it possible for coLAB Arts to function. The art we create and the impact we have on our community would not be possible without the support of these amazing people and organizations. If you'd like to become a sponsor or donor, or to support coLAB Arts in another way, please click here:


our transformers - $10,000 +

Part of our mission is to create transformative projects - a task only possible with transformative networks of support. We are an organization with a "let's get it done" attitude. Our Transformers are individuals and organizations that make our long hours and big ideas possible. These game-changers provide us the financial resources that get projects to a whole new level. This group includes major underwriters for specific projects or general operating support. We thank our Transformers by listing them as a primary organizational supporter on all promotional materials and listings.

OUR generatorS - $5,000 +

One of our primary missions is to create new work that generates movement in our communities to live a more artistic and sustainable life. This sponsorship level promotes organizations and individuals to take a direct role in helping produce one of our core programs or events. A sponsorship at this level could underwrite a series of oral history collections and artist workshops that generate a new theater or dance piece that is reflective of a contemporary issue. coLAB seeks to create work that is fun and responsive, and our creators bring those projects to life.

Drs. Jeffrey Longhofer and Jerry Fleorsch


OUR ActivATORS - $1,000 +

Let's get something started. Our Activators create new opportunities. They help provide start-up support for projects that need a little boost. It doesn't take much to get a mural underway, or send a high school student the keys to a transformative summer, or give a choreographer some time to generate that new piece. Our Activators make the important messy work possible. They give us the power to follow the art and respond to immediate need.

Dr. Helen Buettner

OUR dynamoS - $500 +

coLAB Arts is there everyday, all year round. From staff, to board, to volunteers, our organization is wide and always looking towards making our work stronger and more accessible. Dynamos help us keep the lights on, and make sure that our production quality is as strong as our community has come to expect.


OUR colLaborators - $100 +

We don't give out the term coLABorator easily. We work with a large network of artists, social advocates, and community partners that want to see art influence substantive change and communication. coLABorators are the lifeblood of our organization and contributors at this level not only get to use the designation but get to know that their donation will make the tireless work of a great many individuals just that much easier. Execution of ideas is collective but the generation of ideas is individual, and it is the power of individuals that make great things possible.

Mr. David Rogoff
Ms. Susan Kramer Mills
Mr. Dan Swern

Mr. John Keller
Ms. Helen Buettner


OUR colab creators

These organizations and individuals give to the organization through tireless man hours and regular in-kind support.