coLAB Arts cultivates creative and social advocacy partners through these regularly scheduled community-based and public programs. These are great ways to get involved with us and our community.
This storytelling workshop and story slam series encourages participants to creatively engage with their own personal narrative on their own terms.
litLAB promotes literary curiosity and creative writers in New Brunswick. We host weekly writing workshops and live stage presentations of new work in partnership with local social advocacy organizations.
coLAB Arts and New Brunswick Cultural Center produce stART, or Share the Art, an access program for regional high school students to attend performing arts events in New Brunswick, mingle with other area students, and meet professional artists and arts administrators.
Choreographers create new works of movement and dance in working directly with local social justice organizations and their constituencies. Motion is produced in partnership with Mason Gross School of the Arts-Dance Department at Rutgers University.
Teams of writers, directors, musicians, and actors are tasked with creating a new 15-minute musical in one weekend in response to a partner social justice organization and challenged with incorporating random props.
Teams of writers and illustrators are tasked with creating new 24-page comic books in 24 hours in partnership with a social justice organization. Comic books are presented in a live event performed by actors and underscored with newly commissioned music.