Holidays at RCHP - December, 2020

This holiday season RCHP, I-RISE and Accompany Now case workers made sure that all the children in their community (not just the ones they provide direct service to but ALL children) had gifts. Teams worked tirelessly to get contact information for families, to purchase and wrap presents so that everyone felt seen and loved this lonely pandemic winter.


Additionally, Global Grace Market sold products (scarves, baskets, masks, jewelry, kitchenware, clothing, tchotchke, etc) made by refugees to the greater New Brunswick community. The products represent cultures and styles from all over the world. Likewise, Global Grace Café makes lunch each day for purchase. Everyday, the Café features cuisine by chefs who are cooking recipes from their culture. One day is Congolese, another might be Indonesian or Syrian. You can find what is being served on a given day on their facebook:

Another innovative aspect of this process is that RCHP has established a farm (Global Grace Farms) so they can provide farm to fork produce for the Café. You can also order your own greens and seasonal produce boxes for direct delivery from them. So check it out -