Belonging Flags

Activity Requirements: The activity can be done with and without the Flag Lecture. The activity requires time for self-reflection, creative brainstorming, and flag creation. Participants must be able to write and draw.

Age Range for Activity: 3rd Grade- Adult

Materials Needed: Belonging Flag worksheet,  markers/colored pencils, pencil/pen

Prep Needed: Flag Lecture



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Culture Wheel

Activity Requirements: The Culture Wheel Lecture with the activity instructions run around 30 min. The activity requires time for self-reflection, participants must be able to read and write.

Age Range for Activity: 5th Grade- Adult

Materials Needed: Culture Wheel Worksheet, markers/colored pencils, pencil/pen

Prep Needed: Culture Lecture



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Oral History Analysis

Activity Requirements: This activity requires the facilitator to select an Oral History from the coLAB Archive. They must choose excerpts from the narrative for the participants to analyze. If possible, the facilitator can also play an excerpt of the audio for the participants.

Age Range for Activity: 5th Grade- Adult

Materials Needed: Oral History for analysis, markers/colored pencils, pencil/pen

Prep Needed: Oral History Analysis, Oral History Lecture



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