Estimated Time:
Estimated Time:
Activity Requirements: The activity can be done with and without the Flag Lecture. The activity requires time for self-reflection, creative brainstorming, and flag creation. Participants must be able to write and draw.
Age Range for Activity: 3rd Grade- Adult
Materials Needed: Belonging Flag worksheet, markers/colored pencils, pencil/pen
Prep Needed: Flag Lecture
Activity Requirements: The Culture Wheel Lecture with the activity instructions run around 30 min. The activity requires time for self-reflection, participants must be able to read and write.
Age Range for Activity: 5th Grade- Adult
Materials Needed: Culture Wheel Worksheet, markers/colored pencils, pencil/pen
Prep Needed: Culture Lecture
Activity Requirements: The activity requires time for creative brainstorming and symbol creation.
Age Range for Activity: 7th Grade- Adult
Materials Needed: Symbols of Belonging worksheet, markers/colored pencils, pencil/pen, erasers
Prep Needed: Symbol Lecture
Activity Requirements: The Golden Shovel Lecture with the Golden Shovel Poem activity instructions takes 30-45 min. The activity requires time for creative brainstorming and poem creation. Participants must be able to read and write.
The facilitator can add an additional artistic element to the activity. The participants can use color pencils/markers to create a border for their poem once they have completed it.
Age Range for Activity: 7th Grade- Adult
Materials Needed: Golden Shovel Poem worksheet, pencil/pen
Prep Needed: Golden Shovel Poem Instructions
Activity Requirements: 5-10 min exercise, participants must be able to read and write.
Age Range for Activity: 3rd Grade - Adult
Materials Needed: Emotion Color Chart worksheet, markers/colored pencils, pencil/pen
Prep Needed: Emotion Color Coding
Activity Requirements: This is a partnered exercise that requires participants to self reflect and share a personal anecdote with another person. The activity requires significant time for partnered sharing and their artistic response.
Age Range for Activity: 7th Grade - Adult
Materials Needed: Deep Listening worksheet, markers/colored pencils, pencil/pen
Prep Needed: Deep Listening Escucha Profunda (Deep Listening (Spanish))
Activity Requirements: The 6 Bases of Power Lecture with the Power Flower activity instructions takes around 45 min. The activity requires time for self-reflection, participants must be able to read and write.
Age Range for Activity: 3rd Grade - Adult
Materials Needed: Power Flower Worksheet, Emotion Color Worksheet , markers/colored pencils, pencil/pen
Prep Needed: Bases of Power Lecture
Discussion Questions
Activity Requirements: Time for self-reflection, participants must be able to write
Age Range for Activity: 3rd Grade - Adult
Materials Needed: Pencil/pen, markers/colored pencils, Identity Orbit worksheet, Emotion Color Worksheet
Prep Needed: Identity Discernment Exercise