
Anonymous is a soft spoken woman who loves the arts, speaks several languages, and has deep faith. Her narration offers reflections on a traumatic childhood characterized by sexual abuse primarily perpetrated by her father, as well as moving moments of singing and vulnerability.

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Grisell "Gigi" Peña

Gigi Peña currently resides at Amandla Crossing. She lost both of her parents within six months of each other due to COVID-19. Gigi talks about growing up in Cuba under Fidel Castro, major life changes, and her love for her family. She also discusses several of her and her family’s experiences after they migrated to the US.

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Anonymous charts her life beginning with growing up in India, studying in Pune, where she received her MBA, the story of her marriage, and what has happened since moving to the US. She worked at a prominent newspaper in advertising and marketing, worked in HR, and has also experienced being unhoused.

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David Peña

Plainfield native David Peña details growing up as a queer child, and the love he has for his mother’s dedication to her children. David struggled in school after being placed in bilingual classes that stunted his general education. He is a talented artist and fashion designer who takes care of his mother, but he and his husband have recently experienced houselessness. David depended on Coming Home of Middlesex to help him with this situation.

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